Local Auto Mechanics located in Seekonk, MA · (508) 558-3704

At J&S we understand that vital role a well-functioning suspension system plays in providing a comfortable and safe driving experience. Drivers all over the RI and MA areas look to J&S Concepts for reliable suspension system repair and maintenance.

A problem often noticed from the steering or the tire treads/wheel alignment, suspension system issues can often lead to bumpy, uncomfortable rides. Our team of auto mechanics are well experienced to quickly identify the issue's root cause. We will then provide a quote and repair your suspension and steering to its pristine condition so you can have a more enjoyable ride.

Struts, shock absorbers, ball joints, and tie rods are all important parts of the suspension & steering. We ensure all these components are working at their best condition to get you back on the road safely.

Suspension systems at their optimal performance will improve the health of your vehicle and the quality of your ride.

At J&S, our automotive equipment and suspension parts are of the highest quality, and all of our technicians are ASE-certified. We complete the job in a timely and thorough manner to reduce any auto suspension issues throughout your vehicle's usage.

We also conduct suspension alignment, inspections and general maintenance.

For any suspension-related problems or routine maintenance, schedule your auto service today at J&S Concepts!

(508) 558-3704
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Our Location
1810 Fall River Ave.
Seekonk, MA 02771

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